Thanks for the help thus far. I'm still having problems
Below are the error message.
I can run the print statement noted below and it works.
I can also just do the select statement but placing the insert into breaks
the procedure.
1. What am I doing wrong.
2. I need to output the @.TempVS variable to use. How is that done?
3. Can I do a Select * from @.VStemp after the table has been inserted?
4/ Any other way to optimize this code?
The query below works when I substitute values
(Insert Into @.Level3
Select Distinct patNo, DateDrawn, Sort,TestnameDisplay,
Result, Units, abn, Range
FROM PatLabVal2 where PatNo = @.level and (Result <> 'DNR' ) and Result
and (DateDrawn > (GetDate() - @.Level2)
Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Insert'.
Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Must declare the variable '@.Level3'.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 7
Line 7: Incorrect syntax near ')'.
/****** Object: Table [dbo].[TempVsTest] Script Date: 5/7/2006 3:02:18
PM ******/
if not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =
object_id(N'[dbo].[TempVSTEst]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
[patNo] [int] NULL ,
[DateDrawn] [datetime] NULL ,
[Sort] [int] NULL ,
[TestnameDisplay] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
[Result] [varchar] (100) NULL ,
[Units] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
[abn] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
[Range] [varchar] (50) NULL
Insert Into TempVSTest
(patNo, DateDrawn, Sort, TestnameDisplay, Result, Units,abn, Range)
(240, '1/1/2005', 1,'Cholesterol', '300', 'mg/dl','H','<200')
/* Test script */
@.TempVS varchar(20),
@.table Varchar(20)
-- @.PatNo int,
-- @.Type int,
-- @.Range int
-- @.sqlStmt nvarchar(500)
Set @.table = 'TempVSTest'
--Set @.Type = 0
--Set @.Range = 36000
--Make unique Global Temp Table Name
set @.TempVS = '##TempVS' + cast(datepart(minute, getdate()) as
varchar(3)) + cast(datepart(millisecond, getdate()) as varchar(3))
--print @.TempVS
EXEC ('SELECT * INTO ' + @.TempVS + ' FROM ' + @.table + ' WHERE 1=2')
--EXEC ('Select * from '+ @.TempVS)
--IF @.Type = 0 -- All
Declare @.sqlStmt nvarchar(500)
Declare @.Param1 NVARCHAR(500)
Declare @.Param2 NVARCHAR(500)
Declare @.PatNo int
Declare @.Range int
set @.PatNO = 1
Set @.Range = 120
SET @.sqlStmt = N'(Insert Into @.Level3
Select Distinct patNo, DateDrawn, Sort,TestnameDisplay,
Result, Units, abn, Range
FROM PatLabVal2 where PatNo = @.level and (Result <> ''DNR'' ) and Result
and (DateDrawn > (GetDate() - @.Level2))
print @.sqlStmt
SET @.Param1 = N'@.level int, @.level2 int, @.Level3 varchar(20)'
EXECUTE sp_Executesql @.sqlStmt,
@.level = @.PatNO ,
@.level2 = @.Range,
@.level3 = @.TempVSHi
I am not sure what the braces are at the start and end of the statement! You
can not use a variable as the table name in an insert statement, you will
need to build up the string in the same way as you use @.TempVS in EXEC
('SELECT * INTO ' + @.TempVS + ' FROM ' + @.table + ' WHERE 1=2')
It is not clear why you are going to the trouble of using a global temporary
table, your code should work with a temporary table, and therefore remove th
need to substituting the table name.
"Stephen K. Miyasato" wrote:
> Thanks for the help thus far. I'm still having problems
> Below are the error message.
> I can run the print statement noted below and it works.
> I can also just do the select statement but placing the insert into breaks
> the procedure.
> Questions.
> 1. What am I doing wrong.
> 2. I need to output the @.TempVS variable to use. How is that done?
> 3. Can I do a Select * from @.VStemp after the table has been inserted?
> 4/ Any other way to optimize this code?
> The query below works when I substitute values
> (Insert Into @.Level3
> Select Distinct patNo, DateDrawn, Sort,TestnameDisplay,
> Result, Units, abn, Range
> FROM PatLabVal2 where PatNo = @.level and (Result <> 'DNR' ) and Result
> <>''
> and (DateDrawn > (GetDate() - @.Level2)
> )
> Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
> Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Insert'.
> Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
> Must declare the variable '@.Level3'.
> Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 7
> Line 7: Incorrect syntax near ')'.
> /****** Object: Table [dbo].[TempVsTest] Script Date: 5/7/2006 3:02:18
> PM ******/
> if not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =
> object_id(N'[dbo].[TempVSTEst]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
> [patNo] [int] NULL ,
> [DateDrawn] [datetime] NULL ,
> [Sort] [int] NULL ,
> [TestnameDisplay] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
> [Result] [varchar] (100) NULL ,
> [Units] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
> [abn] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
> [Range] [varchar] (50) NULL
> Insert Into TempVSTest
> (patNo, DateDrawn, Sort, TestnameDisplay, Result, Units,abn, Range)
> values
> (240, '1/1/2005', 1,'Cholesterol', '300', 'mg/dl','H','<200')
> GO
> /* Test script */
> @.TempVS varchar(20),
> @.table Varchar(20)
> -- @.PatNo int,
> -- @.Type int,
> -- @.Range int
> -- @.sqlStmt nvarchar(500)
> Set @.table = 'TempVSTest'
> --Set @.Type = 0
> --Set @.Range = 36000
> --Make unique Global Temp Table Name
> set @.TempVS = '##TempVS' + cast(datepart(minute, getdate()) as
> varchar(3)) + cast(datepart(millisecond, getdate()) as varchar(3))
> --print @.TempVS
> EXEC ('SELECT * INTO ' + @.TempVS + ' FROM ' + @.table + ' WHERE 1=2')
> --EXEC ('Select * from '+ @.TempVS)
> --IF @.Type = 0 -- All
> Declare @.sqlStmt nvarchar(500)
> Declare @.Param1 NVARCHAR(500)
> Declare @.Param2 NVARCHAR(500)
> Declare @.PatNo int
> Declare @.Range int
> set @.PatNO = 1
> Set @.Range = 120
> SET @.sqlStmt = N'(Insert Into @.Level3
> Select Distinct patNo, DateDrawn, Sort,TestnameDisplay,
> Result, Units, abn, Range
> FROM PatLabVal2 where PatNo = @.level and (Result <> ''DNR'' ) and Result
> <>''''
> and (DateDrawn > (GetDate() - @.Level2))
> )'
> print @.sqlStmt
> SET @.Param1 = N'@.level int, @.level2 int, @.Level3 varchar(20)'
> EXECUTE sp_Executesql @.sqlStmt,
> @.Param1,
> @.level = @.PatNO ,
> @.level2 = @.Range,
> @.level3 = @.TempVS
>|||> It is not clear why you are going to the trouble of using a global
> temporary
> table, your code should work with a temporary table, and therefore remove
> the
> need to substituting the table name.
I need the table to build a array similar to crosstabs. I then had problems
with multi-user use and other persons data coming into the tables. I thought
that using global temp tables would be the answer to this. Any comments?
Stephen K. Miyasato
"John Bell" <> wrote in message
> Hi
> I am not sure what the braces are at the start and end of the statement!
> You
> can not use a variable as the table name in an insert statement, you will
> need to build up the string in the same way as you use @.TempVS in EXEC
> ('SELECT * INTO ' + @.TempVS + ' FROM ' + @.table + ' WHERE 1=2')
> It is not clear why you are going to the trouble of using a global
> temporary
> table, your code should work with a temporary table, and therefore remove
> the
> need to substituting the table name.
> John
> "Stephen K. Miyasato" wrote:
>|||Stephen K. Miyasato ( writes:
> I need the table to build a array similar to crosstabs. I then had
> problems with multi-user use and other persons data coming into the
> tables. I thought that using global temp tables would be the answer to
> this. Any comments?
Use a regular temp table instead. A plain #temp table is visible only
to the process that created it.
Global temp tables are very messy to work with. And I have a strong
feeling that it was a design mistake that brought them into the product.
I've yet found any useful application for them.
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at
Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at|||Hi
For static crosstabs you should not need to use a temporary table />
or use the new PIVOT function in SQL 2005, for dynamic crosstabs you may wan
to look at Itziks articles on crosstabs in SQL Server magazine
"Stephen K. Miyasato" wrote:
> I need the table to build a array similar to crosstabs. I then had problem
> with multi-user use and other persons data coming into the tables. I thoug
> that using global temp tables would be the answer to this. Any comments?
> Thanks
> Stephen K. Miyasato
> "John Bell" <> wrote in message
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