Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Problems with styles in reporting services 2005 - help

Hi all,I have some reports built using 2005.
On the reports i am changing lots of styling definitions such as the backround image of the report and the gradient style of the charts etc.......
when i am deploying the reports into the reports manager lots of the style and changes i havr made does not apear on the web.

I have installed sql server 2005 sp1.
Any ideas?

Styles should have changed then. make sure you are deplyoing to the right server / destination by placing some additional object (like a textbox) to the report to differ between the reports.

HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.|||


I am deploying to the right server............

And i am doing some changes that i see.

Any ideas?

|||But you aren′t using external images etc. Which are evenentually not reachable form the report server ? What changes did you make ?

HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.

Never mind.By talking to microsoft sql development team i found out its a bug and they are working on a hotfix........

|||Cool, would be nice if you could post that back to the group, that will help a lot people having the same problem.


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