Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Problems with SQL Task


I have a problem running a package and one of its SQL Tasks.

This is the action the task performs:

DELETE FROM Fac_Vendita WHERE Data >= ?

I pick the value from a variable I get from a previous task, and I map it in the new task like this:

Variable name: User::dur Direction: Input Data Type : DBTIMESTAMP Parameter Name: 0

I get this error:

WHERE Data >= ?" failed with the following error: "Invalid character value for cast specification". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

I tried also the other data type, but I get another type of error.... What's the problem?

Try setting the whole thing with a property expression instead - that should help to eliminate these problems.


|||How can I do it?|||

no more help is needed... I found another way to do it

Thanks anyway...

|||i am having the same problem, it would help if you could post your solution.


nicolas|||i totally changed the approach, and I built a different statement.... My new SQL states:
DELETE FROM Name_Table WHERE (select .....)
this way it works..... :P

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