I try to setup a transactional push replication from MS SQL Server 2005 to Sybase ASE 12.5.3. ASE is known to MS SQL Server as a linked server using OleDB.
As table schema and data are valid at subscriber site I don't need a initial snapshot for the replication.
So I do some tests with sync_type (sp_addsubscription). First I tried 'none'. That works fine.
But the documentation says that it is depricated an I should use 'replication support only'.
But with this syn_type replication stops because is sends the following commands to the subscriber:
-- Transactional replication custom procedures for publication 'kunktable_pub' from database 'kunktest2':
- Replication custom procedures will not be scripted for article 'kunktable' because the auto-generate custom procedures schema option is not enabled.
IF (@.@.microsoftversion >= 0x09000000) BEGIN EXEC sys.sp_MSrepl_setNFR @.schema = N'dbo', @.object_name = N'kunktable' END
Of cause Sybase ASE throws an error 137 'Must declare variable '@.@.microsoftversion' because it has no system variable @.@.microsoftversion. Furthermore a procedure sys.sp_MSrepl_setNFR is not known at ASE site.
So it seems, that sync_type ''replication support only' only works for MS subscriber but not for ODBC or OLEDB based subscriber like SYBASE.
Do I miss something ?
Is this a bug ?
Which sync_type should I use ?
Hi Wolfgang,
The 'replication support only' sync_type is designed for MS SQL Server subscribers only, you should use 'none' instead. We will make our documentation a bit more explicit about this limitation.
Hope that helps,
|||Hi Raymond,thanks for your answer.
As I said in my first note, sync_type 'none' works fine for me!
But if you say "We will make our documentation a bit more explicit about this limitation", do you mean the limitation of 'replication support only' only? Or does this comprise that 'none' is not depricated ?
'none' will probably not really be deprecated in the future since 'replication support only' uses it under the cover. That said, I will file a request to "soften" the wording in the documentation.
|||OK, thank you!Regards
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