Friday, March 30, 2012

Problems with tables named 'User' and 'Workflow'

Downloaded an app that scripts a Sql Server db. It works well--except with
the two aforementioned tables. These show no INSERT statements. I know
there are problems with a table named 'User'. For example, one cannot SELEC
* FROM User. One must SELECT * FROM [User]. I guess something similar is
happening with 'Workflow'.
Q 1: Where do I find a list of the table names that will give me trouble?
Q 2: I do I generate INSERT scripts for these tables?
JerryRJerryR ( writes:
> Downloaded an app that scripts a Sql Server db. It works well--except
> with the two aforementioned tables. These show no INSERT statements. I
> know there are problems with a table named 'User'. For example, one
> cannot SELECT * FROM User. One must SELECT * FROM [User]. I guess
> something similar is happening with 'Workflow'.
> Q 1: Where do I find a list of the table names that will give me trouble?
Look in Books Online under "Reserved Keyword".
However, Workflow is not a keywords, so that one is funky.

> Q 2: I do I generate INSERT scripts for these tables?
Without knowing that app, it's quite difficult to tell. Maybe you should
ask the vendor/author of the app.
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at
Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at

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