Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Problems with date

Hi, my name is MANUEL. I don't speak english very well...
Today I am working with SQLServer. I would want to compare two dateTime fields for to determine if two or more customers are connected in the same moment into my applications...
For example:
Begin date of connections:
16/01/2007 16.19.59
end date of connection
16/01/2007 16.25.23 for customers 01

Begin date of connections:
16/01/2007 16.20.59
end date of connection
16/01/2007 16.24.23 for customers 02

What i have to do!!!!
I must make this control to every hour of the day
Please Help!

Hi Manuel,

If I understand you question, you are looking to write a query that shows overlapping sessions.

If you start with a list of all the distinct start times, you can then use a correlated query to look for overlapping sessions (something like):

Code Snippet

select, st, (
select count(*)
from Sessions as s2
where =

and >= s2.StartDateTime
and < s2.StopDateTime ) as Overlaps
from (
select distinct app, StartDateTime st
from Sessions
) as s1

Note that set based solutions around this type of problem can become really slow, really quickly! A cursor based solution can scale much better. You'd have to do some testing to see which would work best for you.

Hope that helps.



Here is a query that will retrieve all the connections that are overlapping.

Code Snippet

Select Conn1.Customer, Conn1.BeginDate, Conn1.EndDate,

Conn2.Customer, Conn2.BeginDate, Conn2.EndDate, *

From Connections Conn1, Connections Conn2

Where Conn2.BeginDate Between Conn1.BeginDate And Conn1.EndDate

And Conn1.ID <> Conn2.ID

I'm assuming the table name is called 'Connections' and that there is a primary key which is called ID. Here I've joined the table on itself looking for connections that have their start time between another connection's start and end time. I added 'Conn1.ID <> Conn2.ID' so that the query does not assume that the same connection is as an overlapping one.

I hope this answers your question.

Best regards,

Sami Samir


This query might help you...

Code Snippet

MainThread.CustomerId Customer
,MainThread.Startdate Customer1StartAt
,MainThread.Enddate Customer2EndAt
,ParlelThread.CustomerId ParllelWith
,ParlelThread.Startdate ParllelCustomerJoinAt
,ParlelThread.Enddate ParllelCustomerLeaveAt
,DateDiff(Mi, ParlelThread.Startdate, Case When MainThread.Enddate < ParlelThread.Enddate Then MainThread.Enddate Else ParlelThread.Enddate End ) TotalMinutesParllel
from AuditLog MainThread
Join AuditLog ParlelThread On
MainThread.Enddate > ParlelThread.Startdate And
MainThread.Startdate <= ParlelThread.Startdate
And MainThread.CustomerId <> ParlelThread.CustomerId
Order By 1

|||Sorry!I don't know SQL SERVER too

I have only one table which contains:

My really problem is to abtain the list of cutomers whitch day,mount, years is the same and

have the same hour of logon.

I ask for new excuse for my English


Try this :

Substitute your actual table name in <YourTable>

select BeginDate,IDCustomers,Name,EndDate

from <YourTable>

where BeginDate in


select BeginDate

from <YourTable>

group by BeginDate

having count(*) > 1


order by BeginDate,IDCustomers




The following query may help you...

Code Snippet

MainThread.CustomerId Customer
,MainThread.Startdate Customer1StartAt
,MainThread.Enddate Customer2EndAt
,ParlelThread.CustomerId ParllelWith
,ParlelThread.Startdate ParllelCustomerJoinAt
,ParlelThread.Enddate ParllelCustomerLeaveAt
Into #Data
from <YourTable> MainThread
Join <YourTable>ParlelThread On
MainThread.Enddate > ParlelThread.Startdate And
MainThread.Startdate <= ParlelThread.Startdate
And MainThread.CustomerId <> ParlelThread.CustomerId
Order By 1

Select Customer, Customer1StartAt, Customer2EndAt From #Data
Select ParllelWith, ParllelCustomerJoinAt, ParllelCustomerLeaveAt From #Data

Drop Table #Data

|||thanks to all… I have resolved the problem with one function.
you have been fast and kind

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