Saturday, February 25, 2012

problems whit SQLServer and JDeveloper

I'm trying to open a new DB conection in JDeveloper 9. I've created a DB in SQL Server 2000 with one user called mta_ds.
When i look in JDeveloper the connection show me 3 users for that DB (dbo, guest and mta_ds), but with the only user that i can see the tables of the db is with dbo. both dbo and mta_ds had the same permisions and roles. So.. why i can't see the tables for mta_ds?? i've used one driver open source: Driver name = net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver
url = jdbc:jtds://Tauros:1433/DB_Visa_MoraTemprana
Could be this the problem?

Pleaseeee Somebody help meeee!!!
THANK's A LOT!!!!Run SP_HELPROTECT from query analyzer and see the privileges for individual roles/users.

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