Monday, February 20, 2012

Problems when processing cube partitions

Hello all

I am experiencing problems with one of my cubes. We have a historical cube which is partitiones in quarters from 2004-2006, and then monthly for 2007. I have processed the dimensions in full, and now try to process only the newest cube partition, the one for june 2007, and after thats done the cube reults are quite bad, my measures are way way way off... What am I missing in here?

After processing a dimension in full mode all fact data in the cube is deleted! So now, you only have the data for June 2007.

Hope this clarifies you question.

|||Thanks for your reply, this answers my question... I wonder what to do then, as the process update takes almost double time as the process full Sad|||

Are you actually updating attributes of existing members or only adding new members?

If you are only adding new ones you could look into doing a processAdd.

|||Unfortunately every friday the dimension is "cleaned" which means removing some data from it

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