Monday, February 20, 2012

Problems when Oracle running on same machine

I was deploying my Report Model in Visual Studio but got an error that it couldnt connect to my Report Server while it was running.

When i typed the address of my ReportServer I got an error, then when I typed the name of the localhost got an Oracle screen. So then I decided to turn off all the Oracle things running on the machine. Then when I tried to deploy again it worked and I could go to my ReportServer without problems.

I assume you aren't trying to build a Report Model on top of Oracle, it just happens to be running. The only thing I can think is that Oracle is taking over the HTTP port configured for Reporting Services.|||I think this is the reason as well, I just wanted to point this out to other users that they should look at this when they cannot connect to their ReportServer when Oracle is running. Is there a way that I can give preference to Microsoft instead of Oracle ?|||I'm not very familiar with Oracle's HTTP stack. You don't mention which version of Oracle you are using but 10g comes with a modified version of Apache called OHS. I think there are configurations where you can tell it to listen on a port not managed by IIS.|||<a href= >Enter here</a>

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